This Perfect EUC Gift Keeps Me Safe: EUC Dude Pendant

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The EUC Dude Pendant is the author’s latest addition to their collection, serving as a constant reminder of the greatness of electric unicycles. Handcrafted with precision, this pendant is available in solid metal alloy and even in sterling silver. The attention to detail is remarkable, and the pendant features a spinning wheel for added authenticity.

The author cherishes their EUC Dude Pendant, which has become a companion everywhere they go. It has served as a keychain and, albeit briefly, as a necklace, despite being a tad bulky for their preference.

Kit Ohm, the creator, shares the story of how his passion for electric unicycles intersected with his jewelry-making hobby. His journey into personal electric vehicles (PEVs) began with electric skateboards and the Onewheel. However, it was the allure of an EUC that led him to purchase a Kingsong 16S. Although learning to ride the EUC proved challenging, perseverance ultimately paid off. Kit currently rides a Gotway Nikola and contemplates upgrading to the Inmotion V12.

Kit also delves into his hobby of 3D printing, initially used for prototyping jewelry for his business. This eventually led to the fusion of his two passions: EUCs and jewelry, giving birth to the EUC Dude.

Kit’s creations include the sterling silver EUC Dude pendant and a larger keychain version with a spinning wheel, crafted from alloy to ensure affordability.

The EUC Dude Pendant serves as both a piece of jewelry and a symbol of good luck. It embodies the author’s love for electric unicycles, offering protection from misfortune that may befall EUC riders.

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