WARNING: InMotion V12 Cut Out Defect Announcement

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InMotion, the manufacturer of the V12 electric unicycle (EUC), has issued an important announcement to V12 riders. The company acknowledges recent cases of V12 cutouts and attributes the root cause to defective MOSFET chips, with a probability distribution issue during manufacturing. While the failure rate remains low in comparison to overall V12 sales, InMotion prioritizes rider safety and has outlined steps to enhance reliability.

The current chip storage environment leaves limited alternatives for resolving the issue. InMotion conducted extensive testing, including a free-spin process, to determine that wheels passing the spin test exhibit no problems. However, monitoring will continue.

Actions for V12 Riders:

  • Cease riding the V12.
  • Perform a spin test, as demonstrated in a provided video, at least 10 times.
  • If your vehicle is found to be affected, contact your dealer to arrange a free repair.

InMotion’s Response:
InMotion has collaborated with global retailers to rectify the issue. The company will provide free MOS replacement or repair services to customers impacted by the cutout problem.

In the closing statement, InMotion apologizes for any inconvenience and urges V12 riders to schedule a self-inspection promptly. While the news is concerning, the author, who relies on the InMotion V12 as their daily ride, encourages all V12 riders to perform the recommended test and always prioritize safety by wearing protective gear. Despite the disappointment caused by the product’s defects and recalls, the author commends InMotion for acknowledging and addressing the issue, emphasizing the company’s responsible approach to the matter.

Keep reading our FULL article here.